Join the Flexible Space Association

The Flexible Space Association is the voice of the flexible workspace industry, representing, promoting and supporting the sector. Join now to play your part.

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The Voice of the Flexible Workspace Industry

The Flexible Space Association is the voice of the flexible workspace industry, supporting, promoting and representing this vibrant industry.

Following the success of a scheme to grow our membership for the long-term by offering a free 6 months’ membership trial in 2023, we have continued to offer this.

We see flexible workspace operators of all sizes join the Association for 6 months, and having experienced the benefits and valued playing a part in the industry body, remain as full members.

The free 6 months’ membership comes with no-strings-attached, but we hope that by experiencing 6 months with us for free, you will want to remain as a member.

If you run a flexible workspace business anywhere in the UK, you are eligible to join the Association.  As well as the many tangible benefits of membership, you will become part of the collective voice of our industry and a part of the sector’s community.

The providers of services to the flexible workspace industry also form part of our membership.

To find out more about joining the Flexible Space Association, contact us today.

If you feel you have enough information to go ahead with joining as a Workspace Operator member, just complete and return this form.

By joining the Flexible Space Association, all our members sign up to our FlexSA Code of Conduct

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