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Retaining corporate brand identity in flexible workspaces

Corporates may now be venturing into flexible space for the first time and might have worries about losing their brand identity or company culture. Julian Cooper (pictured), Managing Director at Flexible Space Association member Clarendon, explains why this doesn’t have to be the case and how businesses can retain this wherever their offices are....

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The beauty of plants in your flexible workspace

It’s not just an old superstition, plants really do work wonders for you in the workplace. Madeleine Evans, Chair of plants@work, the trade association for the interior landscaping industry, explains some of the benefits....

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FlexSA Virtual Roundtable Meetings

Flexible Space Association Roundtable Meetings are moving online, following a successful trial of the format. ...

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Safely returning to flexible workspaces

Flexible workspace providers have been working hard to ensure their premises are meeting the requirements set out by the Government, to be 'Covid Secure'. ...

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